martedì 05 Dicembre 2017 ore 18:15 - 20:00
European Parliament - Room JAN 6Q1
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Il 5 dicembre, presso il Parlamento Europeo (sala JAN6Q1), dalle ore 18:15 alle ore 20:00, I-Com ha organizzato la conferenza “DIGITAL HEALTH. The impact of Big Data & AI on EU healthcare systems”. L’evento è stato ospitato dal deputato europeo Michael BONI.
Oggigiorno, la digitalizzazione sta progressivamente mutando le nostre vite, anche dal punto di vista sanitario. L’evento ha analizzato le imminenti sfide e proposte inerenti al sistema sanitario digitalizzato nel contesto dell’UE, con particolare attenzione ai grandi dati e all’intelligenza artificiale.
Uno studio, condotto da I-Com, ha investigato le future prospettive del sistema sanitario negli stati membri europei.
I-Com presentation
Schulz presentation
I-Com paper
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On Tuesday 5th December, I-Com organized the public conference “DIGITAL HEALTH. The impact of Big Data & AI on EU healthcare systems”. The event took place at the European Parliament (room JAN6Q1) from 18:15 to 20:00. The event has been hosted by MEP Michael BONI.
Nowadays, the digitization is transforming our lives also from a health point of view. The conference aimed at fostering the challenges and the proposals concerning the digitized healthcare system in the EU, with a particular focus on big data and AI.
A paper carried out by I-Com investigated the future perspectives of the healthcare system in the European member States.
I-Com presentation
Schulz presentation
I-Com paper
[tp lang=”it” not_in=”en”]Speakers intervenuti:[/tp][tp lang=”en” not_in=”it”]Speakers intervened:[/tp]
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Michał BONI
MEP, Group of the European People’s Party, ITRE Committee
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· Vice-Chair – Moldova
· Member – Platforma Obywatelska
· Member – EPP Bureau
· Member – Delegation to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly
· Member – Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
· Substitute – Ukraine
· Substitute – Industry, Research and Energy
He is Vice-Chair of the Delegation to the EU-Moldova Parliamentary Cooperation Committee and a member of the LIBE and DEPA Commitees.
He is also a founding member of the Intergroup on the Digital Agenda for Europe. The Group, launched in December 2014, is an informal network of MEPs, cross-party and cross-nationality, who are interested in digital technologies and in how they can benefit society.
Born in 1954 in Poznan, he is a graduate of the University of Warsaw where he lectured in the Department of Polish Culture for many years. He had been involved in the ‘Solidarity’ underground movement since 1980, becoming a member of the national authorities of ‘Solidarity’ in 1989 and Chairman of the Mazowsze Region Management Board in 1990.
He was the Minister of Labour and Social Policy in 1991 and from 1992 to 1993, he held the position of Secretary of State at the same ministry where he was responsible for labour market policy among others. From 1998 to 2001, he was the Chief Advisor to the Minister of Labour and Social Policy. He was the Head of Strategic Advisors to Prime Minister Donald Tusk from 2008 and the Minister of Administration and Digitisation of Poland from 2011 till 2013.
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Antonino CASCIO
Competitiveness, Telecommunications, QFP Coordinator, Permanent Representation of Italy to the EU
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President, I-Com
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Stefano has served in key advisory or expert positions on a number of taskforces or scientific boards, including:
- Director at the Observatory on Energy Policy of the Einaudi Foundation;
- Expert Member of the Technical Secretariat for the Protection of Nature in the Italian Ministry of the Environment;
- Expert Member of the Eurelectric Task Force on Investment;
- Scientific Director of the La Scossa Association;
- Board member of the European Foundation EYPROM;
- Vice President of the Health City Institute.
He has authored numerous publications on economic themes, particularly with regard to policy and regulation of the energy market and infrastructural services and the governance of the institutions, and his opinions and analysis has featured in major Italian newspapers including Il Foglio, il Sole24 Ore, Huffington Post Italia and more. Stefano has also undertaken study and consultancy assignments for Italian and international public institutions, including the Senate of the Republic, the Department for EU policies, the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and the OECD, leading Italian and foreign companies and non-profit organizations.
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Francesco DE LORENZO
President, European Cancer Patient Coalition
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Programme Officer, EU-Policies, DG CNECT, European Commission
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Director Innovation Area, I-Com
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Member of the Innovation Committee and Digital Health Task Force, EFPIA
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Head of the Food and Health Department, BEUC
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Chairman, eHealth group, DIGITALEUROPE
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Andrzej RYS
Director, Directorate General for Health and Food Safety, DG Sante, European Commission
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- 2011: Director for Health Systems and Products in the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety, European Commission
- 2006: Director for Public Health and Risk Assessment in the Directorate-General for Health and Consumers, European Commission
- 2003: Founder and Director of the Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer at Jagiellonian University (Krakow, Poland)
- 1999-2002: Deputy Minister of Health in Poland. Member of the Polish accession negotiators team
- 1997-1999: Director of Krakow’s city health department
- 1991-1997: Founder and Director of the School of Public Health at the Jagiellonian University.
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Head of Government Relations Europe and Middle East Africa (MEA), Nokia
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MEP, Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe, EMPL Committee
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