mercoledì 21 Giugno 2017 ore 14:30 - 17:30
European Economic and Social Committee - Room TRE 7701
Nell’ambito delle iniziative europee di I-Com, l’iniziativa Smart Consumers ha avuto come obiettivo principale quello di promuovere il dibattito sulla rivoluzione che Internet e i servizi digitali sta apportando alla relazione tra i consumatori e le imprese nel contesto europeo. Ci si è focalizzati principalmente sui benefits dell’economia digitale e i suoi possibili effetti su un’ampia gamma di strumenti in mano ai consumatori.
L’iniziativa si è conclusa con un conferenza pubblica/dibattito dove per l’occasione è stato presentato e discusso il nuovo paper I-Com che ha visto la partecipazione di speaker qualificati come ufficiali della Commissione Europea, MEP, imprese e associazioni di consumatori.
L’evento SMART CONSUMERS – How digitalization may benefit B2C relationship si è svolto a Brussels il 21 giugno dalle 14:30 alle 17:30 al Comitato economico e sociale europeo – Room TRE 7701 (Trèves Building, 7th floor, 74 rue de Trèves, 1040 Brussels), con il supporto e la partecipazione della Presidenza del TEN Group, responsabile delle questioni digitali.
La presentazione dello studio I-Com è stata seguita da un panel, composto da figure istituzionali e stakeholders e da una sessione di Q&A che ha preceduto gli interventi conclusivi.
Il paper si è focalizzato sulla penetrazione dei servizi digitali nei diversi settori dell’economia Europea, così come sulla nuova relazione digitale tra i consumatori e i fornitori di servizi nei principali retail markets, con un focus particolare su energia e mobilità. Sono state inoltre trattate diverse questioni normative.
I-Com Presentation
Paper I-Com
Comunicato stampa
In the framework of I-Com EU activities, the initiative Smart Consumers aimed at fostering the debate on the revolution that internet and digital services are bringing to the relationship between consumers and companies in the European context. The main focus was on the benefits of digital economy and its positive effects on a wider array of tools effectively empowering consumers.
The initiative consisted in a public event shaped as a conference-debate where a new paper realized by I-Com was presented and discussed with qualified speakers such as European Commission officials, MEPs, companies and consumers associations.
The event SMART CONSUMERS – How digitalization may benefit B2C relationship took place in Brussels on Wednesday, June 21st from 14:30 to 17:30 at the European Economic and Social Committee – Room TRE 7701 (Trèves Building, 7th floor, 74 rue de Trèves, 1040 Brussels), with the support and the participation of the Presidency of the TEN Group, responsible for digital issues.
After the presentation of the I-Com paper, a panel, including institutional and non-Institutional stakeholders, and a Q&A session followed before concluding remarks.
The paper focused on the penetration of digital services in different sectors of European economy, as well as on the new digital relationship between consumers and services providers in main retail markets, with a focus on energy and mobility. Regulatory issues were also addressed in some specific chapters and through the debate.
Speakers confirmed:
Antoine AUBERT
Director Public Policy, EU Strategy, UBER
Head of Sector, E-Commerce, DSM Directorate, DG CONNECT, European Commission
Head of Digital Area, I-Com
Stefano da EMPOLI
President I-Com
Stefano has served in key advisory or expert positions on a number of taskforces or scientific boards, including:
- Director at the Observatory on Energy Policy of the Einaudi Foundation;
- Expert Member of the Technical Secretariat for the Protection of Nature in the Italian Ministry of the Environment;
- Expert Member of the Eurelectric Task Force on Investment;
- Scientific Director of the La Scossa Association;
- Board member of the European Foundation EYPROM;
- Vice President of the Health City Institute.
He has authored numerous publications on economic themes, particularly with regard to policy and regulation of the energy market and infrastructural services and the governance of the institutions, and his opinions and analysis has featured in major Italian newspapers including Il Foglio, il Sole24 Ore, Huffington Post Italia and more. Stefano has also undertaken study and consultancy assignments for Italian and international public institutions, including the Senate of the Republic, the Department for EU policies, the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and the OECD, leading Italian and foreign companies and non-profit organizations.
Deputy Director General, DG Justice and Consumers, European Commission
Head of EU Public Affairs and Regulation, Enel
Antonio LONGO
President of Permanent Study Group on Digital Agenda, EESC
Kostantinos STAMATIS
Policy Officer Smart Grid and Retail Energy Market Technology Development, DG ENERGY, European Commission
Expert Digital Consumption, Test-Achats (consumers’ association, BEUC Member)
MEP, Group of the European People’s Party, ITRE/TRAN Committee
Christian WAGNER
Public Policy and Government Relations Analyst, GOOGLE