The project focuses on transferring to the National Regulatory Authorities of Albania, Montenegro and Serbia the know-how on market coupling initiatives among EU members, with the aim to promote the creation of a Balkan regional electricity market integrated in the European one.
The project is promoted by the Italian Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and Environment (ARERA) – with the support of I-Com (Institute for Competitiveness) and in coordination with the Italian Market Operator (Gme) and the Italian TSO (Terna). The project benefits from the financial support of the Central European Initiative (CEI) fund at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
The KEP project is part of the Western Balkan 6 Process, through which some Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia) and EU (including Italy) and the European Commission will develop the necessary conditions for the integration of the Balkan electricity markets.
During 2018, four technical seminars are scheduled.
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2dn Training seminar – Tirana 21/04/2018
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3rd Training seminar – Belgrade 18-19 june 2018
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IV training seminar – Montenegro 11 October
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Final conference programme – Montenegro, 12 October 2018
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