mercoledì 06 Novembre 2019 ore 17:30 - 19:30
European Parliament, Room A3H1, Rue Wiertz, 60
[tp lang=”it” not_in=”en”]La rivoluzione digitale sta producendo cambiamenti radicali in Europa, coinvolgendo una varietà di attori e settori e ponendo enormi sfide per l’ecosistema industriale europeo. Per promuovere l’innovazione, responsabilizzare e proteggere i cittadini e rafforzare la propria leadership digitale, l’Unione Europea è chiamata a monitorare e regolare questo processo di trasformazione sviluppando al contempo nuove forme di investimento in grado di rafforzare significativamente la sua sovranità tecnologica.
I-Com ha organizzato il 6 novembre (17.30 – 19.30) presso il Parlamento Europeo a Bruxelles il simposio “THE NEW EUROPE IN THE GLOBAL DIGITAL ERA: Current Rule-Maker, Future Investor?”. L’evento – ospitato dall’eurodeputato Brando BENIFEI – ha fornito un’occasione di confronto sul futuro delle politiche digitali europee. Il dibattito ha coinvolto rappresentanti delle istituzioni europee, organizzazioni di ricerca, imprese, associazioni di categoria del mondo industriale e dei consumatori e si è incentrato su temi chiave dell’agenda politica della nuova Commissione europea, quali l’intelligenza artificiale, le reti 5G, la sicurezza informatica, l’Antitrust & Innovation, gli smart consumers. Il simposio è stato anche l’occasione per presentare lo studio di I-Com sui temi oggetto dell’evento.
Roberto VIOLA, Direttore Generale della DG CNECT, Commissione Europea, ha partecipato al simposio, formulando delle osservazioni sul dibattito svolto e i temi affrontati.
Il simposio fa parte dell’iniziativa I-Com 2019/2020 Back to the Future, che mira a informare le nuove istituzioni dell’UE sullo stato dell’innovazione in tre settori (Digital, Healthcare e Energy/Mobility) e a formulare raccomandazioni sulle politiche future allo scopo di rafforzare la competitività dell’UE.
I-Com presentation
I-Com study[/tp]
[tp lang=”en” not_in=”it”]The digital revolution is producing dramatic changes in Europe, affecting a variety of actors and sectors and defining huge challenges for the European industrial ecosystem. In order to promote innovation, empower and protect citizens and finally reinforce its digital leadership, the European Union is called to monitor and regulate this process of transformation while developing new investment forms able to significantly enhance its technological sovereignty.
I-Com has organised on November 6 (5.30 – 7.30 pm) at the European Parliament in Brussels the symposium “THE NEW EUROPE IN THE GLOBAL DIGITAL ERA: Current Rule-Maker, Future Investor?”. The event – hosted by MEP Brando BENIFEI – has provided a forum for EU Institutions representatives, research and business organisations, trade and consumer associations and other relevant stakeholders, to discuss the future of the European digital policies – such as Artificial intelligence, 5G networks, cybersecurity, Antitrust & Innovation, smart consumers – which are expected to be at the hearth of the new European Commission’s political agenda. The symposium has also been an occasion to present a study developed by I-Com on related issues.
Roberto VIOLA, Director General at DG CNECT, European Commission has participated and delivered his remarks on the main issues discussed at the Symposium.
The symposium is part of I-Com 2019/2020 Brussels Flagship Initiative Back to the Future, which finally aims at informing the new EU institutions about the state of innovation in three sectors (Digital, Healthcare and Energy/Mobility) and making recommendations on future related policies to strengthen EU competitiveness.
I-Com presentation
I-Com study
[tp no_translate]Brando BENIFEI
MEP, Socialists and Democrats, IMCO Committee[/tp]
[tp no_translate] Caterina BORTOLINI
Head of International and European Institutional Affairs High-Level, TIM [/tp]
[tp no_translate] Wassim CHOURBAJI
Senior Vice President, Public Policy & Government Affairs EMEA, Qualcomm [/tp]
[tp no_translate]Stefano DA EMPOLI
President, I-Com[/tp]
[tp no_translate] Robert DEHM
Attaché for Telecommunications and Information Society, Permanent Representation of
Germany to the EU[/tp]
[tp no_translate] Claudia HERBEN
Business Technology Leader EMEA, Johnson & Johnson [/tp]
[tp no_translate] Ursula PACHL
Deputy Director General, BEUC – The European Consumer Organisation [/tp]
[tp no_translate]Kristiina PIETIKÄINEN
Chair of EU Council Working Party on Telecommunications and Information Society, Permanent Representation of Finland to the EU[/tp]
[tp no_translate] Renato SABBADINI
CEO, All Digital [/tp]
[tp no_translate]Yana TOOM
MEP, Renew Europe, EMPL Committee[/tp]
[tp no_translate] Roberto VIOLA
Director General, DG CNECT, European Commission [/tp]
[tp no_translate] Véronique WILLEMS
Secretary General, SMEunited [/tp]