mercoledì 30 Settembre 2020, 16:00 - 18:00
The effective unbundling of activities is one of the most important elements for a well-functioning, competitive European energy market and a building block of EU energy policy. In an increasingly decentralized energy system, in which boundaries between the different activities are blurred, the EU needs to make sure that rules are fit for competitive market players to provide the services and innovative solutions and draw the boundaries between the areas in which regulated, and often monopolistic, operators should not interfere.
The webinar “TOWARDS A DECENTRALISED ENERGY WORLD – Are the new rules fit for new businesses?” – organised by I-Com, the Institute for Competitiveness and the European Energy Retailers – provided a forum for representatives from EU institutions, companies and European associations in the energy field (utilities, DSOs, TSOs, retailers, etc.), consumer and civil society organizations and other relevant stakeholders to discuss critical cases for unbundling in increasingly decentralized EU energy markets.
The objective of the event was to present the challenge of applying existing rules to new businesses, providing a number of concrete examples of critical cases for unbundling in the distributed energy system. All stakeholders were encouraged to intervene, present their arguments and openly contribute to the debate on the opportunities and challenges of the new decentralized energy world.
Speakers confirmed:
President, I-Com – the Institute for Competitiveness
Massimiliano SALINI
Member of the European Parliament, Group of the European People’s Party
Antonio COLINO
President, European Energy Retailers
Director ‘Internal Energy Market’ and (Acting) Head of Unit ‘Retail markets, consumers and local initiatives’, DG ENER, European Commission
Former President, European Energy Retailers
Adviser to the Deputy Director-General, on Internal Energy Market
Regulatory Issues, DG ENER, European Commission
General Director, ENTSO-G
Secretary-General, ENTSO-E
Frauke THIES
Executive Director, SmartEn
Secretary General, E.DSO for Smart Grids
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