I-Com, together with other 27 think tanks from around the world, signed a joint declaration on the importance of IPRs to Covid vaccine Manufacturing Scale-up and Future Pandemic Preparedness.
We are an informal coalition of civil society organisations that believes that continued collaboration between governments, international organisations, the private sector, and civil society is the fastest way to end the Covid-19 pandemic and kickstart stalled economic growth. Respect for intellectual property rights is key and will ensure the fastest possible production of urgently needed vaccines.
The following declaration sets out why we believe that divisive proposals before the World Trade Organization to override intellectual property rights to promote local vaccine production would do more harm than good. There are better ways to accelerate vaccine manufacturing based on trust and collaboration. We further call on governments to protect the innovation system that has delivered multiple new Covid vaccines and therapeutics in highly compressed timescales.
The unabridged version of the joint declaration may be found here: