The study was presented during I-Com Symposium “EU’s Path to Competitiveness. How Digital, Energy and Health can lead the Way Forward”, which was held on 11 January 2022.
The study, structured in three chapters, aims to provide an analysis of the state of the art of the new EU regulatory frameworks on key fields aimed at drastically changing European industry and economy while strengthening its competitiveness, particularly on digital policy, health and energy.
Chapter 1 describes the most important trends in the digital sector and the evolution of the European regulatory framework on online platforms, data, 5G, AI and cybersecurity. Chapter 2 analyses the first responses of the MSs and the EU in the early months of the pandemic, as well as their aftermath, which led the EU onto the road to the creation of the European Health Union. The chapter also analyses how the emergence of new technologies and enhanced connectivity have spurred the exponential growth of health data and how the European Health Data Space fits the EU purpose of leading the forthcoming data-driven society. Lastly, Chapter 3 discusses the role of the EU in global decarbonisation. Specifically, it adresses European energy transition policies, green finance and the decarbonisation of the transport sector.
Year: 2021
N° of pages: 193
Authors: Silvia Compagnucci, Stefano da Empoli, Maria Rosaria Della Porta, Maria Vittoria Di Sangro, Afroditi Karidomatis, Michele Masulli, Eleonora Mazzoni, Thomas Osborn, Domenico Salerno