Tuesday 06 September 2016 ore 18:15 - 20:30
European Parliament, Room JAN 6Q1, Altiero Spinelli building, Place du Luxembourg side - Brussels
On Tuesday 6th September, I-Com, Institute for Competitiveness, inaugurated its European activities with its first public conference on “AVMSD Refit or Reform? Audio Visual Media Services in the Digital Era”, at the European Parliament in Brussels.
The conference on the Audiovisual Media Services Directive has been the major landmark which inaugurated I-Com activities in Brussels, by presenting its study on the subject and further discussing the key points of the proposed revision of the Directive by the European Commission.
After the introductory remarks by the President of I-Com, Stefano da Empoli and the Ambassador Deputy Permanent Representative of Italy to the Council of the EU, His Excellency Giovanni Pugliese, the I-Com Media Observatory Director, Bruno Zambardino, highlighted the key points of the I-Com paper. Ms Lorena Boix Alonso, Head of Unit Audiovisual & Media Services Policy at DG CONNECT, pointed out and commented on some of the trickiest parts of the proposal.
Following the introduction by the Head of Department for Legal Information from the European Audiovisual Observatory, Ms Maja Cappello, who gave a general idea of the degree of implementation of the main subjects the AVMSD proposal affects, several stakeholders from associations and companies exchanged their views on the proposal, mediated by Mr da Empoli.
Last but not least, MEP Michał Boni, former Minister of Administration and Digitisation of Poland from 2011 till 2013, and a founding member of the Intergroup on the Digital Agenda for Europe, MEP Michaela ŠOJDROVÁ, Vice-Chair of the CULT Committee and MEP Bogdan Brunon WENTA, who drafted last year a report on the future of Europe’s cinema sector in the digital era, as the Parliament’s response to the European Commission’s Communication on European film in the Digital Era, gave their final remarks.
ProgrammeI-Com presentation
Paper I-Com
Cappello presentation
Speakers confirmed: | ||
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Lorena BOIX ALONSO Head of Unit Audiovisual & Media Services Policy, DG CONNECT, European Commission [accordion_father][accordion_son title="Bio"] Lorena Boix Alonso is the Head of Unit for Audio-visual and Media Services Policy Unit, Directorate General for Communications Networks Content and Technology since July 2012. Formerly, she was Deputy Head of Cabinet of Vice President Neelie Kroes, European Commissioner for the Digital Agenda. During Ms Kroes' mandate as Commissioner for Competition, Lorena Boix Alonso commenced in October 2004 as a member of her Cabinet and became Deputy Head of Cabinet in May 2008. She holds a Master of Laws, with a focus on Antitrust Law and Intellectual Property, from the Harvard Law School. She graduated in Law from the University of Valencia (Spain) and then obtained a Licence Spéciale en Droit Européen from the Université Libre de Bruxelles. She joined the European Commission Directorate-General for Competition in 2003. Prior to that, she has worked for Judge Rafael García Valdecasas, at the European Court of Justice, as well as Deputy Director and Legal Coordinator of the IPR-Helpdesk Project and in private practice in Brussels. [/accordion_son][/accordion_father] |
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Michał BONI MEP Group of the European People's Party [accordion_father][accordion_son title="Bio"] Positions in Parliament: · Vice-Chair - Moldova · Member - Platforma Obywatelska · Member - EPP Bureau · Member - Delegation to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly · Member - Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs · Substitute - Ukraine · Substitute - Industry, Research and Energy He is Vice-Chair of the Delegation to the EU-Moldova Parliamentary Cooperation Committee and a member of the LIBE and DEPA Commitees. He is also a founding member of the Intergroup on the Digital Agenda for Europe. The Group, launched in December 2014, is an informal network of MEPs, cross-party and cross-nationality, who are interested in digital technologies and in how they can benefit society. Born in 1954 in Poznan, he is a graduate of the University of Warsaw where he lectured in the Department of Polish Culture for many years. He had been involved in the ‘Solidarity’ underground movement since 1980, becoming a member of the national authorities of ‘Solidarity’ in 1989 and Chairman of the Mazowsze Region Management Board in 1990. He was the Minister of Labour and Social Policy in 1991 and from 1992 to 1993, he held the position of Secretary of State at the same ministry where he was responsible for labour market policy among others. From 1998 to 2001, he was the Chief Advisor to the Minister of Labour and Social Policy. He was the Head of Strategic Advisors to Prime Minister Donald Tusk from 2008 and the Minister of Administration and Digitisation of Poland from 2011 till 2013. [/accordion_son][/accordion_father] |
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Maja CAPPELLO Head of Department for Legal Information, European Audiovisual Observatory [accordion_father][accordion_son title="Bio"] Maja Cappello joined the European Audiovisual Observatory in Strasbourg as Head of the Department for Legal Information in 2014. Set up in December 1992, the Observatory's mission is to gather and diffuse information on the audiovisual industry in Europe. The Observatory operates within the legal framework of the Council of Europe as a European public service body comprised of 41 member states and the EU, represented by the European Commission. Before joining the Observatory, Maja worked for the Italian regulator AGCOM from 1998 and was Head of AGCOM’s Digital Rights Unit of the Media Services Directorate. She was also Vice President of EPRA (European Platform of Regulatory Authorities) from 2011 to 2014. Italian-Norwegian mother tongue, Maja deals with audiovisual regulatory issues at European level, both contributing to international conferences and committees, and participating as expert in EU and Council of Europe cooperation projects. She is author of articles and speeches in the areas of audiovisual media services, media pluralism, copyright and consumer protection and holds an LLM in EU law and a PhD in European social law after graduating in Law in 1994. She has been lecturing in Media law at University level (Bachelor, Master and PhD) since 2001. [/accordion_son][/accordion_father] |
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Stefano CIULLO Director, European Affairs, Sky Italia [accordion_father][accordion_son title="Bio"] After graduating in law in 1991 with a thesis on the so called Mammì Law, Stefano Ciullo devoted his career to the in-depth analysis and the professional study of the electronic communications and the audiovisual services both from a legal and an institutional point of view. Speaking of which, he worked first in a consulting firm in Brussels (1992-1993), then in American law firms: from 1994 to 1998, he was at Baker & McKenzie, where he dedicated himself to the topic of telecoms liberalization in Italy; from 1999 to 2005, he worked in the Rome and Washington offices of Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton, where he was involved in several antitrust and regulatory dossiers relating to the telecommunications markets and pay-TV. In 2005, he moved to Sky Italy Srl, where he was first Head of Regulatory Affairs and later Head of the Institutional Affairs. At the moment, Stefano Ciullo is Director of European & International Affairs, in the same company. He holds an LL.M. from the New York University School of Law (1998), and he not only authors publications on electronic communications, but also diligently participates to policy discussions on the matter. [/accordion_son][/accordion_father] |
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Silvia COSTA MEP Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, Chair CULT Committee | |
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Stefano DA EMPOLI President, I-Com [accordion_father][accordion_son title="Bio"] Stefano is the President of I-Com , which he founded in 2005, and he teaches political economy and economic policy at Roma Tre University. Previously, he directed the Observatory on Energy Policy of the Einaudi Foundation. He is an expert member of the Technical Secretariat for the Protection of Nature at the Ministry of the Environment, of the Task Force on investment in the electricity sector of Eurelectric. He is the Scientific Director of the Association La Scossa, founded in 2011, and he is member of the board of the Brussels-based European Foundation EYPROM. He is Member of the Scientific Board of several institutions and initiatives, and the author and editor of numerous publications on economic subjects, particularly with regard to policy and regulation of the energy market and infrastructural services and the governance of the institutions. He conducted studies and consultancy assignments for Italian and international public institutions, including the Senate of the Republic, the Department for EU policies, the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and the OECD, and also leading Italian and foreign companies and non-profit organisations. He holds a Master's degree in economics at the CORIPE Piedmont and a Master of Arts in Economics at the George Mason University (USA). [/accordion_son][/accordion_father] |
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Cécile DESPRINGRE Executive Director, Society of Audiovisual Authors [accordion_father][accordion_son title="Bio"] Cécile Despringre is the Executive Director of the SAA, the European organisation of collective management organisations for audiovisual authors established in 2010. Its 29 members in 22 countries manage rights for over 120,000 film, television and multimedia European screenwriters and directors. The organisation’s objectives are to defend and strengthen the economic and moral rights of audiovisual authors; to secure fair remuneration for audiovisual authors for every use of their works; to develop, promote and facilitate the management of rights by member societies. Cécile Despringre studied International and European law at the University of Paris I and hold a Master degree in International Economic Law. After a traineeship at the Delegation of the European Commission to International Organisations in Geneva, she became the European Affairs Officer of SACD (French and Belgium society for dramatic authors) in 1997. In 2001, she became Deputy Director for European Affairs and Trade Negotiations of SACD. In 2006, she joined FERA, the European network of film and TV directors’ organisations as their CEO. In 2009, Cécile Despringre was contacted by audiovisual authors’ collective management organisations to set up a new European organisation to represent them with European institutions: the SAA. [/accordion_son][/accordion_father] |
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Damir FILIPOVIC Director, Digital Enterprise & Consumer Policy, DIGITALEUROPE [accordion_father][accordion_son title="Bio"] Damir started his career in public sector, in the Ministry of Communication, Post and Telecom Administration in Croatia, where he started in 1998, continuing in National Regulatory Authority in telecommunications, as advisor in telecommunications and radiocommunications as well as in licencing department. Afterwards between 2000 and 2008, he started successful career in private telecommunications operators, subsidiaries of Deutsche Telekom and Telekom Austria in Croatia, working on various positions within network planning department, public and regulatory affairs as well as in wholesale business activities, as head of those departments. In 2008, Damir joined Telekom Austria Representative Office in Bruxelles, taking care for spectrum issues, environment, health and m-commerce issues on behalf of the Group, together with activities related to providing support to South-East Europe operations in Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia, internally and towards European institutions. In 2010 Damir became Director Public Affairs of DIGITALEUROPE, the European Industry Association that is the voice of the Information and Communications Technology and Consumer Electronics industries in Europe, which he joins from his private consultancy Intelligent Consulting, where he provided support both to governmental and private sector in telecom industry on various regulatory issues, as well as provide expert information and advice on issues related on EU legislation, institution and political process. In January 2012, Damir has joined newly formed Samsung EU Affairs office in Bruxelles, as EU Technology and Regulatory Policy manager, responsible for issues related to digital economy and product and technology. As of January 2016, Damir re-joined DIGITALEUROPE as Director for Digital Economy. [/accordion_son][/accordion_father] |
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Nicola FRANK Director, European Affairs, European Broadcasting Union [accordion_father][accordion_son title="Bio"] Nicola Frank joined the European Broadcasting Union in 1998. In January 2009 she became Head of European Affairs, in charge of the EBU Brussels office. She started her career in the European Commission in 1990 where she was responsible for an information and communication programme towards the Mediterranean and the Near and Middle East. In 1996 she joined Media and Entertainment International, the international federation of media and entertainment trade unions, as Deputy General Secretary. Nicola Frank was born in 1963. She took an M.A. in Islamic Studies, Modern History and French Literature. [/accordion_son][/accordion_father] |
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Carolina LORENZON Director, International Affairs, Mediaset [accordion_father][accordion_son title="Bio"] Carolina Lorenzon is responsible for International Affairs at Mediaset and reports to the Board on regulatory issues, ranging from spectrum to content management and IPR protection. She is a member of the Board of ACT (Association of Commercial Televisions in Europe). Prior to joining Mediaset, after a brief stint at the World Bank’s Paris Office and at Benetton’s US headquarters in New York City, she worked on the Green Paper on the liberalization of satellite communications during a traineeship at the European Commission. She holds a BA in Communication / International Affairs (senior thesis on Direct Broadcasting Satellites for infrastructure development in Least Developed Countries) and MA in Global Economics and Public Policy. [/accordion_son][/accordion_father] |
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David MARTIN Senior Legal Officer, BEUC [accordion_father][accordion_son title="Bio"] David Martin is a Senior Legal Officer at BEUC, the European Consumer Organisation. BEUC represents 42 independent national consumer associations from 31 European countries. The primary task of BEUC is to act as a strong consumer voice in Brussels and to try to ensure that consumer interests are given their proper weight in the development of all EU policies. David is part of BEUC’s Digital policy team, where he focuses on privacy, data protection, copyright and competition. He has been working on digital and ICT issues since 2006. Prior to joining BEUC in May 2015, David worked at the Public Affairs consultancy Burson-Marsteller and the EU Regional Office of Murcia in Brussels. A Spanish national, David is fluent in English and French. He studied Law at the University of Murcia (Spain) and holds a Master’s Degree in European Law from the University of Luxembourg, as well as a Postgraduate Degree on Economic and Legal EU Studies from the Collège Miguel Servet / Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne. He can be contacted at dma@beuc.eu. [/accordion_son][/accordion_father] |
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Marco PANCINI Public Policy Counsel, Google [accordion_father][accordion_son title="Bio"] Marco Pancini was born in Rome in May 1972. After his studies in Law, Marcostarted his professional career as part of the start-up project of iBazar, the first on line auction web site in Europe, and then he joined eBay, when iBazar was acquired. From 2002 to 2007 Marco was Head of legal and Trust and Safety at eBay.it, the Italian subsidiary of the world biggest online marketplace. On July 2007 he joined the Google team as European policy counsel in charge of government relationship for the Italian market, representing Google in important international meetings as the Internet Governance Forum of United Nations. From February 2011 Marco is member of the Google policy team in Brussels, where his leading the team dealing with the EU Commission and Council. [/accordion_son][/accordion_father] |
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H.E. Giovanni PUGLIESE Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative of Italy to the Council of the EU, Permanent Representatives Committee I [accordion_father][accordion_son title="Bio"] Born on July 5th, 1962 Education 1987: Master in Political Sciences - University of Rome Work experience 2011-2015: Deputy Head of Mission at the Italian Embassy Berlin 2009-2011: Director for Disarmament, Arms Control and non-proliferation - Foreign Ministry - Rome 2006-2009: First Counsellor at the Permanent Mission of Italy to the UN - New York 2002-2006: First Counsellor at the Permanent Mission of Italy to the European Union - Brussels 1998-2002: Counsellor at the UN Desk - Foreign Ministry - Directorate General for Political Affairs - Rome 1994-1998: First Secretary at the Permanent Mission of Italy to the International Organizations - Geneva 1991-1994: First Secretary at the Italian Embassy in Beijing - China 1988-1990: Second Secretary at the NATO Desk - Foreign Ministry - Directorate General for Political Affairs - Rome [/accordion_son][/accordion_father] |
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Michaela ŠOJDROVÁ MEP Group of the European People's Party, Vice-Chair CULT Committee [accordion_father][accordion_son title="Bio"] Positions in Parliament: · Vice-Chair - Culture and Education · Member - Křesťanská a demokratická unie - Československá strana lidová · Member - EPP Bureau · Member - EU-Turkey · Member - Women's Rights and Gender Equality · Substitute - Switzerland, Norway and the EU-Iceland and EEA JPCs · Substitute - Human Rights · Substitute - Employment and Social Affairs Born on 28 October 1963 in Zlín. She graduated from the Faculty of Horticulture (orcharding and landscaping) in Brno in 1987. She concluded French studies in 1992 and started to teach French. From 1996-2010, she was repeatedly elected to the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Parliament where she worked as a Member and Vice-President of the Committee on Education, Culture, Youth and Sport. Other functions included President of the Czech-French Friendship Group for eight years, Czech delegate in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and President of the KDU-ČSL Deputies Group. In 2009, she received the French Order of Merit for her contribution to the development of Czech-French relations. Since 2010, she worked at the HQ of the Czech School Inspection as coordinator of ESF (EU) project activities and as a representative of the Ministry of Education in the OECD Governing Board of the Centre for Research and Innovation in Education. She was an Honourable Member of several university supervisory bodies over a long period of time. MEP since 2014. [/accordion_son][/accordion_father] |
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Bogdan Brunon WENTA MEP Group of the European People's Party [accordion_father][accordion_son title="Bio"] Positions in Parliament: · Vice-Coordinator - Development · Member - Platforma Obywatelska · Member - Culture and Education · Member - Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly · Member - Development · Substitute - EU-Mexico · Substitute - Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly · Substitute - Pan-African Parliament Born in 1961 in Szpęgawsk, Poland. He is a former handball player and coach and played in handball clubs such as Wybrzeże Gdańsk, Bidasoa Irun, FC Barcelona, TuS Nettelstedt-Lübbecke and SG Flensburg-Handewitt, and in his career appeared in seven European Cup finals. After his successful playing career, he coached the Polish national team (2004-2012), German club SC Magdeburg (2006-2007) and Polish club Vive Targi Kielce (2008-2014). After retiring as a coach, he became manager of a club from Kielce; however he left the position due to his involvement in political activity. In February 2007, he was honoured with the Knight's Cross of Polonia Restituta by President Lech Kaczyński for his contribution to the development of Polish sport. MEP since 2014. [/accordion_son][/accordion_father] |
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Bruno ZAMBARDINO Director, Media Observatory, I-Com [accordion_father][accordion_son title="Bio"] Bruno is an expert in the field of media and cultural economics. He is Professor of Economics and cinema and television organization, at Sapienza University of Rome. He led strategic studies and market analyses at the most qualified industry research institutes, including IsICult, Isimm and Rosselli Foundation. In this Foundation, he was first senior analyst and then coordinator of the Institute of Media Economics. He carried out research and consultancy for associations (Anica, Agis, Anec, Anem, Fice, Apt), Ministries (Mibact – Dg Cinema and Entertainment Centre where for 3 years he edited the report to Parliament on the use of the single fund for the show business), public authorities (Rai, Siae, Unitelma, Formez, regional Corecom ) and private companies (Mediaset, Sky). He was appointed member of the Board of Directors of Eti (Italian Theatrical Agency) with responsibility for audiovisual and new media. He published books, articles and papers on the audiovisual market, digital media and live entertainment. From 2010 he is the didactic director of AS.For Cinema – bilateral institution for professional training composed of ANICA and industry unions. [/accordion_son][/accordion_father] |