Reviewing DSM Strategy Impact on Media Industry

Wednesday 07 June 2017 ore 17:45 - 20:00

European Parliament, Room ASP 3H1, Rue Wiertz, 60

Nel 2017 è stato raggiungo un punto si volta cruciale nel dibattito riguardante l’implementazione della Digital Single Market Strategy. Questa impatterà sui modelli business dell’industria media e sull’equilibrio di mercato e che i fornitori di contenuti dovranno affrontare nel breve periodo.

Nel 2016, grazie alla proposta di riforma della Direttiva sui servizi di media audiovisivi, i broadcasters tradizionali e le nuove piattaforme hanno intravisto presentarsi una delle più grande opportunità per il loro settore dopo un lungo periodo di tempo.

In linea con questi cambiamenti, nel settembre 2016, I-Com ha discusso i punti di forza e di debolezza della proposta della Commissione Europea riguardante la Direttiva sui servizi di media audiovisivi, attraverso una Conferenza e l’elaborazione di uno Studio (AVMSD Refit or Reform? Audiovisual media services in digital era) che ha analizzato lo stato dei mercati europei, i punti critici della proposta e il suo valore aggiunto.

Nel giungo 2017, un nuovo evento e uno nuovo paper I-Com (Competitiveness of European Media Content Industry and Impact of Digital Single Market) hanno tentato di estendere l’indagine alla strategia DSM, cercando di identificare e misurare il suo impatto sull’industria dei contenuti, con un focus particolare sulle novità della proposte legislativa riguardanti l’AVMS e il Copyright.

L’evento si è svolto al Parlamento Europeo (Room ASP 3G1), il 7 giugno dalle 17:45 alle 20:00, coinvolgendo ufficiali della Commissione Europea, membri del Parlamento e altri stakeholder coinvolti nella revisione normativa di questo particolare framework europeo.

L’evento ha costituito un’occasione per approfondire e prendere in analisi i nuovi margini di competitività anticipati dall’implementazione di un vero Digital Single Market nel settore audiovisivo, tenendo in considerazione il rispetto dei principi fondamentali.

I-Com Presentation
Abbamonte Presentation
Paper I-Com
Press release

In 2017, a turning point in the huge debate on the implementation of the Digital Single Market Strategy has been reached. It will impact the business models of media industry and the market equilibria that contents’ providers will have to deal with in the near future.

In 2016, through the proposal for a reform of Audiovisual Media Services Directive, traditional broadcasters and new platforms has been seeing the greatest change occurred in their business for the first time in a while.

In line with those changes, in September 2016, I-Com discussed the strengths and weaknesses of the European Commission proposal for a Reform of Audiovisual Media Services Directive at its early stage, with a Conference and a Study (AVMSD Refit or Reform? Audiovisual media services in digital era) analysing the EU market status, critical points of the proposal and its add value.

In June 2017, a new event and a new paper edited by I-Com (Competitiveness of European Media Content Industry and Impact of Digital Single Market) has tried to extend the investigation to the DSM strategy as a whole, trying also to identify and measure its impact on the Media content industry, with a special focus on the last updates of the AVMS and Copyright legislative proposals.

The event took place in the European Parliament (Room ASP 3H1), on June 7th from 17.45 to 20.00, gathering European Commission officials, Members of the Parliament together with many other stakeholders involved in this wide European legislative framework review.

The event was a favourable occasion to move forward in the exam of new margins of competitiveness foreseen by the implementation of a real Digital Single Market in the Audiovisual sector, taking into account the respect of some fundamental principles.

I-Com Presentation
Abbamonte Presentation
Paper I-Com
Press release

Speakers confirmed:

Giuseppe Abbamonte

Director, Directorate for Media Policy, European Commission, DG CONNECT


Giuseppe Abbamonte was appointed Director of the Media and Data Directorate in January 2014. The Directorate is, amongst many other things, responsible for the development and follow-up of the European regulatory framework on audiovisual media and the European Big Data Strategy. Shortly after his appointment as Director, Giuseppe delivered a major Communication setting out the Commission’s strategy on Data called “Towards a thriving data-driven economy” and set up the European Public Private Partnership on Big Data Value. Recently, he delivered the new legislative proposal amending the Audiovisual Media Services Directive, adopted by the European Commission on 25 May 2016. In his former positions, he was the head of the electronic communications policy unit and then of the cybersecurity and on-line privacy unit. As part of the latter job, he supervised and directed the elaboration of the European Cybersecurity Strategy and of a proposal for a European law on network and information security. He also has an extensive experience in complex merger cases and in consumer law. Before joining the Commission he was an associate in an international law firm in Milan for four years (1989/1992), where he dealt mainly with commercial law and competition law. He is the author of several publications mainly in English law magazines.

MEP, Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, EMPL Committee


Benifei is the youngest MEP among the Italian representatives of the Democratic Party. He participates as a full Member in the Committee “Employment and Social Affairs”. Benifei previously worked as the person in charge of European affairs for the Democratic Party in Liguria region of Italy and for the Young Democrats at national level. He has also been the Vice-President of ECOSY (PES youth organization) for four years, during which he took part in numerous educational and training activities on European topics. He joined the PES working group which drafted the preliminary version of the European Youth Guarantee, later adopted by the European Commission. Benifei is currently President of the EuLab Association, focused on campaigns and projects regarding EU policies for young people.

President, I-Com


Stefano is the president and principal policy analyst at I-Com, the Institute for Competitiveness, a think tank based in Rome and Brussels which he founded in 2005. He currently teaches political economy and economic policy at the Roma Tre University, in Rome. Stefano is a graduate of the Coripe Consortium for Research and Continuing Education in Economics (Piemonte, Italy), where he received a Masters Degree in Economics and the George Mason University (Virginia, USA) where he obtained his MA (Economics).

Stefano has served in key advisory or expert positions on a number of taskforces or scientific boards, including:

  • Director at the Observatory on Energy Policy of the Einaudi Foundation;
  • Expert Member of the Technical Secretariat for the Protection of Nature in the Italian Ministry of the Environment;
  • Expert Member of the Eurelectric Task Force on Investment;
  • Scientific Director of the La Scossa Association;
  • Board member of the European Foundation EYPROM;
  • Vice President of the Health City Institute.

He has authored numerous publications on economic themes, particularly with regard to policy and regulation of the energy market and infrastructural services and the governance of the institutions, and his opinions and analysis has featured in major Italian newspapers including Il Foglio, il Sole24 Ore, Huffington Post Italia and more. Stefano has also undertaken study and consultancy assignments for Italian and international public institutions, including the Senate of the Republic, the Department for EU policies, the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and the OECD, leading Italian and foreign companies and non-profit organizations.


MEP Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, BUDG Committee


Victor Negrescu (born on 17 August 1985) is the youngest Romanian MEP elected at the European Parliament in May 2014. He is an active Member in the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament and a permanent Member of the Committee on Budgets and the Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly. He is also a Substitute Member in the Committee on Legal Affairs, Committee on Constitutional Affairs, Delegation for relations with Canada. Victor Negrescu came to the Parliament with a set of projects aimed at facilitating access to European funds for EU Member States, the promotion of European Guarantee for Health and standardization requirements of EU education systems so that students from Member States should not be forced anymore to equate their studies.He is the initiator in Brussels of the project called “Delegation of Transylvania and Banat” close to the European Union, which promotes local values of the region of Transylvania in the European Parliament. He is the first Romanian MEP who brought in discussion and analysis a Pilot Project – Access to Health for people in rural areas.

H.E. Giovanni PUGLIESE
Ambassador Deputy Permanent Representative of Italy to the Council of the UE Permanent Representatives Committee I


Born on July 5th, 1962. Education

1987: Master in Political Sciences – University of Rome

Work experience
2011-2015: Deputy Head of Mission at the Italian Embassy Berlin
2009-2011: Director for Disarmament, Arms Control and non-proliferation – Foreign Ministry – Rome
2006-2009: First Counsellor at the Permanent Mission of Italy to the UN – New York
2002-2006: First Counsellor at the Permanent Mission of Italy to the European Union – Brussels
1998-2002: Counsellor at the UN Desk – Foreign Ministry – Directorate General for Political Affairs – Rome
1994-1998: First Secretary at the Permanent Mission of Italy to the International Organizations – Geneva
1991-1994: First Secretary at the Italian Embassy in Beijing – China
1988-1990: Second Secretary at the NATO Desk – Foreign Ministry – Directorate General for Political Affairs – Rome.


Julia REDA
Vice-Chair Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance


I am the Pirate in the European Parliament, representing a young worldwide movement of people who believe in using technology for the empowerment of all.
I am a member and one of the Vice-Chairs of the Greens/EFA group and a co-founder of the Parliament’s current Digital Agenda intergroup. I sit on the Legal Affairs Committee (JURI) and am a substitute on the Internal Market/Consumer Protection (IMCO) and Petition (PETI) committees, as well as the delegation for relations with the United States and India. I was born in Bonn in 1986, am member of the local chapter of Frankfurt in the Pirate Party, and have been active in the pirates since 2009. Before that, I was a member of the SPD for six years before I left them amidst the debate on internet blocking. From 2010 to 2012, I was chairwoman of the Young Pirates and have been taking care of the international coordination of the youth organisation ever since. I’m founding chairperson of the Young Pirates of Europe.

MEP, Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe, CULT Committee


Estonian politician and Member of the European Parliament from Estonia. She is a member of the Estonian Centre Party, part of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe. In the 2015 Estonian elections, Toom finished third with 11,573 votes; however, she eventually decided to keep her seat in the European Parliament.A member of the ALDE (Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe) political faction, she currently serves as her parliamentary group’s coordinator on the Committee on Culture and Education..

Director Media Observatory, I-Com


Bruno is an expert in the field of media and cultural economics. He is Professor of Economics and cinema and television organization, at Sapienza University of Rome. He led strategic studies and market analyses at the most qualified industry research institutes, including IsICult, Isimm and Rosselli Foundation. In this Foundation, he was first senior analyst and then coordinator of the Institute of Media Economics. He carried out research and consultancy for associations (Anica, Agis, Anec, Anem, Fice, Apt), Ministries (Mibact – Dg Cinema and Entertainment Centre where for 3 years he edited the report to Parliament on the use of the single fund for the show business), public authorities (Rai, Siae, Unitelma, Formez, regional Corecom ) and private companies (Mediaset, Sky). He was appointed member of the Board of Directors of Eti (Italian Theatrical Agency) with responsibility for audiovisual and new media. He published books, articles and papers on the audiovisual market, digital media and live entertainment. From 2010 he is the didactic director of AS.For Cinema – bilateral institution for professional training composed of ANICA and industry unions.