“WHICH FUTURE FOR CONSUMER POLICIES Protection and empowerment in the digital age”. This is the title of the Power Breakfast held on Thursday 7th March in our Brussels office.
After a brief introduction by the President of the Institute for Competitiveness (I-Com) Stefano da Empoli, it was the turn of the guest of honor, Ms Marie-Paule BENASSI, Acting Director for Consumer Affairs, DG Justice and Consumers at the European Commission.
The spread of Internet and digital technologies has radically transformed the socio-economic context in which citizens and companies operate. The network has become the epicenter of our life. Nowadays, we use the web to communicate, find information, buy and sell goods or services, interact with public administrations and carry out many other activities that we had previously done through traditional channels. However, there are still wide differences among the EU countries. The Northern consumers remain at the forefront in Internet use, while Eastern and Mediterranean countries are still positioned at the bottom-end of the ranking.
During the initiative, the state-of-art today in consumer policies at EU level was assessed, providing an important feedback on what should still be done at the EU level in order to improve the current framework to adapt it to the ongoing digital transformation.