Very High Capacity and 5G Networks: from the EU code to the EU market

Events Brussels

24 June 2019, 13:00 – 17.15

CEPS, 1 Place du Congres, 1000 Brussels

Since telecoms markets liberalisation, competition enhancement and promotion of innovative investments have been the two main objectives of the EU regulatory framework. They have been seen either as completely synergic or, increasingly often, as somehow conflicting and a source of regulatory trade-offs. In this context, the regulatory and policy balance between competition and investment has indeed changed over time: from the ladder of investments (LoI) approach, through the NGA networks (2010) and cost accounting directives  (2014), and now to the EU Electronic Communications Code (EECC), which comprises a number of new provisions aimed directly at facilitating the deployment and take-up of very high capacity (VHC) fixed and mobile networks.

The first session of this workshop, jointly organized by DeepIn Research Network and CEPS will debate the new EECC provisions to accelerate VHCN investments, trying to shed some light on some crucial questions related to different aspects:

  • Definitions, e.g., what is a very high capacity network, i.e., can FWA be included in the scope?
  • Effectiveness, e.g., what are the real incentives that these provisions give to (different kinds of) operators? Is regulation weakening an effective and efficient incentive? How will these new provisions interact with national broadband and ultra-broadband public policies?
  • Efficiency and fairness, e.g., what impact will these provisions have on competition? On the different kinds of competition (upstream vs downstream)? And on final consumers?

The second session will focus on 5G as a building block of the forthcoming digital society, driving a significant market and industrial transformation. Within this forward-looking and yet not completely defined context, policy makers and regulators are seeking to deliver measures to encourage long-term investments in 5G networks. On the other side, market players are trying to understand how to shape their business and investment strategies in order to respond to these transformations. These policy and industrial objectives are related to many different aspects, among which:

  • Regulatory provisions: e.g., how and to what extent do the new provisions within EECC help in smoothing the path to 5G deployment?
  • Spectrum policy: is there a general best-practice for spectrum licensing? And, specifically for small cells? What authorization model would be better for 5G deployment in mmWave bands?
  • Direct public intervention: how and to what extent can public financing fill investment gaps?
  • Industry value chains: what will be the actual role of new players (and/or alliances) in the different 5G business models? What (vertical industries, or OTT) will be these new players? How will these changes affect profitability and investment strategies?

This event is jointly organized by the new I-Com observatory, Deep-In Research Network and the Center for European Policy Studies, CEPS.

DEEP-IN is an independent project begun in early 2019, with the mission to contribute to improving the awareness in Europe about the complexity of public intervention within the Digital and ICT world, and its fundamental impact on the European market and society.

In order to participate to the event, registration through the link below is mandatory.

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