“HORIZON EUROPE AND THE GLOBAL RACE FOR INNOVATION. What role for the next framework programme”. This is the title of the Power Breakfast held on June 6th in our Brussels office.
After a brief introduction by the Vice-President of the Institute for Competitiveness (I-Com), Franco D‘Amore and of the Vice-Rector of the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration Victor Negrescu, it was the turn of the guest speaker, Mr. Kurt Vandenberghe, Director for Policy Development and Coordination, DG RTD, European Commission.
Research and innovation are cornerstones for the sustainable social and economic development of modern societies. European economic growth has been largely driven by innovation over the last decades. On June 7th 2018, the European Commission proposed the new Framework Programme Horizon Europe for the period 2021-2027, the 9th of a series of funding initiatives for promoting and supporting research and innovation. The framework programme is divided into three pillars, each being interconnected with the others and complemented by underpinning activities, to strengthen the European Research Area (ERA).
Horizon Europe, with funding of €100 billion, will continue to improve the Open Access policy of Horizon 2020 requiring open access to publications and data and to research data management plans. It should be approved in 2020 and launched in 2021.