The still ongoing pandemic is revealing, beyond any possible doubt, how essential it is to ensure the wide availability and accessibility of digital networks and services for citizens, businesses and public administrations. In one year, 2020, marked by lock-down and social distancing measures determined by the need to stem contagions and reduce the negative impact of the health crisis on the economy, the digital channel has been the most effective response to the need to ensure the continuity of socio-economic activities and reduce risks to the health of individuals.
Digitisation is a fundamental requirement for competing on global markets. However, in digital innovation, the European Union lags behind the other major global economies. Therefore, the EU must look to investing in innovation and facilitating investments by private companies if it is to maintain a leading role on the international stage. Digital innovation is also essential to achieving technological sovereignty which is nowadays one of the main objectives of the European Commission. Here, the differences in digital readiness among Member States must be addressed. In fact, the Norther European countries rank among the first for innovation on a global level, whilst the Southern and Eastern European countries,t instead, must begin bridging the gap their better performing northern counterparts.
Year: 2020
N° of pages: 118
Editors: Silvia Compagnucci, Stefano da Empoli
Authors: Silvia Compagnucci, Maria Rosaria Della Porta, Lorenzo Principali, Domenico Salerno, Thomas Osborn