Towards a new European Digital Environment


I-Com and PromethEUs organized the digital conference “TOWARDS A NEW EUROPEAN DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT. Preparing for DSA and DMA revolution”.

Livestream here:

The discussion dealt with the key challenges and policy issues in the digital services and digital market under the new EU digital legislative framework for markets, competition, and businesses.

As part of its European Digital Strategy Shaping Europe’s Digital Future, the European Commission published a package of two legislative initiatives, the Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Markets Act (DMA). Specifically, the DSA amends the E-commerce Directive to ensure the best conditions for the provision of innovative digital services in the internal market, to contribute to online safety and the protection of fundamental rights (above all, freedom of expression and information) and to establish a sound and sustainable governance model for the supervision of intermediary service providers. The DMA, on the other hand, aims to ensure contestability of digital markets, a fair B2B relationship between market gatekeepers and their users and strengthen the internal market by providing harmonised rules across the Union.

As the debate on these topics has recently intensified within the European Institutions and the national capitals, PromethEUs provided a forum for high-level representatives from EU and national institutions, research and business organisations, trade and consumer associations and other relevant stakeholders, in order to take stock of the Commission Digital Strategy. Furthermore, during the event PromethEUs launched its new paper on DSA and DMA.

The digital conference was divided into two separate panels, respectively dealing with the economic impact and the geopolitical impact of the new EU digital legislative framework for markets, competition, and businesses.

Please find attached the event output report and PromethEUs Joint Paper.

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