Thursday 08 July 2021 ore 17:00 - 18:30
On Thursday 8 July, the DEEP-IN NETWORK powered by I-Com, organised the Webinar “Digital Market Act: Institutional and Enforcement Design”.
The Webinar provided a forum for a fruitful dialogue among EU academics, on the Digital Markets Act (DMA), one of the two legislative initiatives published last December by the European Commission as part of its European Digital Strategy, Shaping Europe’s Digital Future.
After the introductory remarks by Mr. Colangelo, scientific and managing Director, DEEP-IN NETWORK, and by Mr. da Empoli, President, I-Com, the speakers shed a light on the institutional and enforcement design of the DMA.
Each speaker delved into a different aspect of the complex subject, providing the attendees with his/her perspective on the matter. Specifically, the speeches touched upon the following issues: the possibility/opportunity of considering article 114, instead of article 103 of the TFEU, as the legal basis for the regulation; the qualifying criteria defining gatekeepers and the obligations deriving from article 5 and 6 of the regulatory framework; the interaction between the DMA and antitrust rules at European and national level, and the Commission’s exclusive enforcement powers as well as the requests by member states and national antitrust authorities to redistribute such powers.
The event, moderated by Mr. Nicita, LUMSA Professor, continued with a live Q&A session.
Here the event’s agenda.
[tp no_translate]Giuseppe COLANGELO
University of Basilicata, LUISS, and Stanford Law School[/tp]
[tp no_translate]Stefano DA EMPOLI
Roma Tre University and I-Com[/tp]
[tp no_translate]Alexandre DE STREEL
University of Namur and CERRE[/tp]
[tp no_translate]Valeria FALCE
European University of Rome[/tp]
[tp no_translate]Alfonso LAMADRID de PABLO
[tp no_translate]Giorgio MONTI
University of Tilburg[/tp]
[tp no_translate]Antonio NICITA
University of Rome – LUMSA[/tp]
[tp no_translate]Anne WITT
EDHEC Business School[/tp]