Tuesday 21 June 2022, 18:00 - 19:45 CET
European Parliament - Room A3 F383
On Tuesday 21 June, from 18:00 to 19:45 CET, at the European Parliament (A3 F383) took place the roundtable entitled “TOWARDS A EUROPEAN DIGITAL IDENTITY WALLET. Striking the right balance between regulation and market needs”.
The event organised by the Institute for Competitiveness (I-Com), together with Must & Partners, and in collaboration with MEP and Chair of ITRE Committee, Cristian-Silviu Buşoi, brought together selected high-level speakers from institutions and academia, to discuss the state of the art of the proposed framework on a European Digital Identity, put forward by the Commission in June 2021 in the attempt to revise the eIDAS regulation (2014) and make it fit for current challenges and EU’s technology and innovation policy priorities.
Specifically, the event focussed on the legal and procedural challenges arising from looking for the right balance between regulation and market needs ahead of the EU Digital ID Wallets’ uptake.
As follows the event’s programme.
Here I-Com study on the issue at stake.
Speakers confirmed:
[tp no_translate]Lorena BOIX ALONSO
Director for Digital Society, Trust and Cybersecurity, DG Connect, European Commission[/tp]
In the context of the Horizon Europe Programme, she co-chairs the Cluster 1 “Health” and Cluster 3 ‘’Civil security for society’’ and is as well a member of the board Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) Joint Undertaking.
Formerly, she was Acting Director for Policy Strategy and Outreach and Head of Unit for Policy Implementation and Planning, in DG CONNECT at the European Commission.
Previously, she was Deputy Head of Cabinet of Vice President Neelie Kroes, Commissioner for the Digital Agenda. During Ms Kroes’ mandate as Commissioner for Competition, she commenced in October 2004 as a member of her cabinet and became Deputy Head of Cabinet in May 2008.
She joined the European Commission Directorate-General for Competition in 2003.
[tp no_translate]Cristian-Silviu BUŞOI,
MEP and Chair ITRE Committee[/tp]
MEP from 2007-2013 and since 2014.
[tp no_translate]Stefano DA EMPOLI
President, I-Com[/tp]
[tp no_translate]Sandro Miguel FERREIRA MENDONÇA
Member of the Board of Directors of the Portuguese
national regulatory authority for electronic
communications (ANACOM)[/tp]
He currently serves as Executive Board Member of ANACOM, the Portuguese communications regulator.
He is a German Marshall Fund Fellow since 2012. He was a visiting scholar of King’s College, London, in the Fall of 2012. Since 2012 he teaches and supervises at the doctoral programs of the Southern Medical University and the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. He is Invited Professor at ISEG, the University of Lisbon since 2012. He served as Director of the Economics undergraduate programme at ISCTE Business School for two terms.
He was Scientific Manager of “Science and Society” at CYTED (the Ibero-American program for science and technology) from January 2014 until December 2017, and remained an advisor to the Secretary General. He cooperated with CEN (European Committee for Standardization) and EUIPO (European Union Intellectual Property Rights Office). He was deputy member of the Management Committee of OceanGov (European Network on “Ocean Governance for Sustainability”, sponsored by the European Science Foundation).
His research and consultancy work mostly focus on innovation and industrial policy. He is also active in the fields of strategic foresight and conflict research.[/tp]
[tp no_translate]Riccardo GENGHINI
Professor and Chairman of the E-Signature and Infrastructures
Committee (ESI) within the European Telecommunications
Standards Institute (ETSI)[/tp]
Since 2004 he has chaired the Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI) committee of the European Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI).
From 2001 to 2006 he was Chairman of the STT Commission (Security of Telematic Transactions), in Italy, which implemented the first set of European standards for digital signatures.
He is an advisor to several European governments and multinational organisations in the fields of digital signatures and e-government services.[/tp]
[tp no_translate]Karen MELCHIOR
MEP, JURI Committee[/tp]
[tp no_translate]Lorenzo PRINCIPALI
Director, Digital Area, I-Com[/tp]