Wednesday 29 June 2022, 18:00 - 20:00
European Parliament - Room A3H1
“DRIVING DIGITALIZATION IN SOUTHERN EUROPE. The role of National Recovery and Resilience Plans and the current EU Policy Agenda” is the title of the public conference organised by the Institute for Competitiveness (I-Com), on behalf of PromethEUs.
The event took place on Wednesday 29 June, from 18:00 to 20:00 CET, at the European Parliament (Room A3H1).
The conference closed PromethEUs’ activities of the first semester 2022, which focussed on the discussion around the expected impacts of the digital pillar of national Recovery and Resilience Plans (RRPs) in the public and private sector, particularly on competitiveness. As a concluding event, the conference was also the occasion for PromethEUs to present its Joint Paper on the issue at stake.
By bringing together selected high-level speakers from institutions, business and consumer associations, the conference’s aim was to draw attention on the nexus between the measures envisaged by national RRPs in the digital field and the relevant EU policy measures and legislative proposals currently under discussion.
Here more information about the speakers lineup.
Speakers confirmed:
[tp no_translate]Brando BENIFEI
MEP and co-Rapporteur on the AI Act[/tp]
[tp no_translate]Benedikt BLOMEYER
Director for Eu Policy, Allied for Startups[/tp]
[tp no_translate]Federico CAVALLO
Head of Public Affairs and Communication, Altroconsumo[/tp]
[tp no_translate]Stefano DA EMPOLI
President, I-Com[/tp]
[tp no_translate]Paulo FERREIRA
Head of internal Market and Industrial Policy Unit, Perm. Rep. of Portugal to the EU[/tp]
[tp no_translate]Steffen HOERNING
Professor, Nova School of Business and Economics, IPP Lisbon[/tp]
[tp no_translate]Raquel JORGE
Policy Analyst, Elcano Royal Institute[/tp]
[tp no_translate]Maria-Manuel LEITÃO-MARQUES
MEP and Vice-Chair, IMCO Committee[/tp]
[tp no_translate]Carlos ROMERO DUPLÀ
Senior Counsellor for Digital Transformation, Perm. Rep. of Spain to the EU[/tp]
[tp no_translate]Felicia STANESCU
Head of Unit Digital, Single Market, Industry, Competition, Innovation, Recovery & Resilience Task Force, Secretariat General, European Commission[/tp]
[tp no_translate]Aggelos TSAKANIKAS
Scientific Advisor, IOBE[/tp]