Tuesday 06 December 2022 ore 17:00 - 19:00
The discussion about the EU’s strategic autonomy within the European institutions and Member States has lately become more heated in light of the current geopolitical and economic circumstances.
Considering this, I-Com’s Symposium for 2022 aimed to provide a forum for high-level representatives from EU institutions, research and business organisations, trade and consumer associations and other relevant stakeholders, to take stock of the EU’s initiatives to fast-track the capacity of the EU to act autonomously in strategically important policy areas (digital, green and health).
This year’s Symposium entitled “Fast track to EU Strategic Autonomy. Speed check for digital, green and health”, has taken place on Tuesday 6 December at 17:00 – 19:10 CET, at Avenue des Arts 56, Brussels.
The event involved 3 different panels, each addressing one of I-Com’s areas of expertise.
- Panel I addressed how to reinforce EU strategic autonomy and sovereignty along the value chain for the digital transition. (Click here for the Digital presentation)
- Panel II delved into identifying dependencies to prepare the Union for future health crises. (Click here for the Health presentation)
- Panel III focused on tackling the energy crisis and ensuring energy security in the EU. (Click here for the Energy presentation)
Please find as follows the event’s programme.
Speakers confirmed:
[tp no_translate]Jasmin BATTISTA
Deputy Head of Unit Digital Transition, Industry & Single Market, Secretariat-General, European Commission
[tp no_translate]Christian BORGGREEN
Senior Vice President & Head of Office, CCIA Europe[/tp]
[tp no_translate]Rosa CASTRO
Senior Policy Manager for Healthcare Delivery, European Public Health Alliance – EPHA[/tp]
In academia, she gained a PhD in European Law and Economics, and an MA in Bioethics and Science Policy, wrote a book and articles on patents and health, was a postdoctoral Fellow at the European University Institute, and at Duke University, USA, and lectured on intellectual property and health law. In Brussels, she has worked as Senior Scientific Policy Officer at FEAM and Senior Policy Advisor at a consultancy.[/tp]
[tp no_translate]Stefano DA EMPOLI
President, I-Com[/tp]
[tp no_translate]Christophe GRUDLER
MEP, ITRE Committee[/tp]
[tp no_translate]Giacomo MATTINO’
Head of Unit Food, Retail, Health, DG GROW, European Commission[/tp]
[tp no_translate]Michele MASULLI
Director, Energy Area, I-Com[/tp]
[tp no_translate]Eleonora MAZZONI
Director, Innovation Area, I-Com[/tp]
[tp no_translate]Lorenzo PRINCIPALI
Director, Digital Area, I-Com
[tp no_translate]Luisa REGIMENTI
MEP, ENVI Committee[/tp]
[tp no_translate]Pinar SERDENGECTI
Director of Competition and Regulation, ECTA[/tp]
[tp no_translate]Catharina SIKOW MAGNY
Director for Green Transition and Energy System Integration at Directorate-General for Energy, DG ENER, European Commission[/tp]
[tp no_translate]Alexandra TAMAS
Director Public Affairs, The European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA)[/tp]
[tp no_translate]Kjeld VAN WIERINGEN
EU Policy Analyst – Strategic Foresight and Strategic Autonomy, European Parliament[/tp]
[tp no_translate]Paul WILCZEK
Head of Energy Policy, Climate & Sustainability Eurelectric[/tp]